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Elevators 1 and 2 are small and suitable for use by people only. If you have anything large or bulky that you can’t easily hold in your hands please use the freight elevator 3. This includes bikes, strollers, shopping carts, large packages, furniture and construction materials.

The middle set of hall call buttons calls all three elevators and you will get the closest elevator going in your direction. Do not also press the freight elevator call button. You won’t get an elevator any faster and it slows the service for everyone as well as putting extra wear on our elevators.

The right hand set of hall call buttons beside the freight elevator only calls the freight elevator. Use it if you have bulky items or if you are going to P4 or 28. If the button doesn’t stay lit it means the freight elevator is not available. If you have bulky items and elevator 3 is not available you can use elevator 1 or 2 but please be very careful to not damage the interior.